Dreamsicle F2 Seeds
Dreamsicle F2 Seeds
Dreamsicle F2 Seeds

Dreamsicle F2 Seeds


The origins of Dreamsicle are unknown…it showed up spontaneously in my 2023 grow, and I had not purchased seeds for anything like it. It appears to possibly be a roxa type crossed with a habanero, but can’t be sure. The seeds for this are being considered F2, and are producing really unique shapes this year! The flavor is out of this world. Thick walls, bright fruity flavor, and a fair bit of heat. Easily one of the most beautiful plants I’ve grown!

Capsicum chinense
, per pack of ~15 seeds

Estimated Scoville Heat Units: 200k-300k

Germinate above 70ºF, ideally 80ºF-85ºF

I can not guarantee germination nor can I guarantee you will get a similar phenotype. I try my best to isolate and self-pollinate pods, but an accidental cross is always possible. In the case of a cross, I may be interested in purchasing seeds back from you!



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