Sutra #2

Discourse on Snowflakes

Great Bodhisattva of Universal Illumination,

If only one snowflake remained in the infinite void, innumerable Buddha Worlds would instantaneously appear within its refractions, each containing an unfathomable multitude of snowflakes, each containing innumerable Buddha Worlds.

Look to this Buddha World, nestled in the nook of a snowflake within the infinite multiplicity of Buddha Worlds, and see how many snowflakes appear!

Do not fear non-existence,
Great Bodhi of Luminous Heart,
for not once has a snowflake
appeared or disappeared.

Where would they have come from?
Where could they vanish to?

The capacity to appear exists
in an absolute and positive way.

In this way, cultivate a wisdom beyond birth and death, beyond existence and non-existence. Cultivate the wisdom of emptiness, and see that all beings and all snowflakes are already liberated Buddhas, neither subject to arising or passing.

See that Samsara is Nirvana, and allow suffering, the cause of suffering, liberation, and the cause of liberation to dissolve into water like yesterdays dream.



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